If a race car completes a 2.8 mi oval track in 41 s, what is its average speed? Answer in units of mi/h

(2.8 miles/41 Seconds) x (60 seconds/1 minute) x (60 minutes/ 1 hour) = 245.85 mph (or miles per hour)

To calculate the average speed of the race car, we need to use the formula:

Average speed = Total distance ÷ Total time

In this case, the total distance is given as 2.8 mi, and the total time is given as 41 s.

To convert the time to hours, we need to divide by the number of seconds in an hour. There are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour, so:

Total time (in hours) = 41 s ÷ (60 s/min × 60 min/hr) = 0.0114 hr

Now we can substitute the values into the average speed formula:

Average speed = 2.8 mi ÷ 0.0114 hr

Calculating this gives us:

Average speed ≈ 245.61 mi/hr

Therefore, the average speed of the race car is approximately 245.61 mi/hr.