can you guys help me write a conclusion for this and also help me elaborate my essay better. I've worked so hard and it's due tomorrow

Politicians can't agree on how to create more jobs and this is a major problem. The U.S. economy is in trouble because it has more debt than it has in decades. The Democrats want to raise some taxes to pay off part of the debt and continue to offer services. The Republicans do not want to raise the taxes and want to cut many programs to save money. The majority of the people seem to want jobs as most have lost their jobs due to recession. If the government shuts down, there will probably be no more jobs, which would cause unemployment amongst several US citizens. The downfall of US economy in this decade has multiple reasons like the increased debt capital and the consequences can be huge unemployment. To kick-start the economy, the government has to use the anti-recession strategies to face the present challenges. The government has to take immediate actions to decrease the debt capital and either it can be tax payoffs or other ways like the debt default ways. The US economy needs urgent supports efforts to put together a package to stimulate the US. A cutting of the interest rates would provide a boost , but the bigger issue of job creation need heavy investment in the economy which poses a severe challenge for a debt trapped country. Proposed tax cuts are the other relief measures to lessen the pressures on the economy

this is what i have so far thanks!

1. "than it has in decades. " = has had

2. "due to recession." = a or the recession

3. "amongst " = among
just "several" = many

4. "of US economy" = the US...etc.

5. "urgent supports efforts " = support

6. "creation need heavy" = needs (issue is the subject)

7. debt-trapped

8. relief measures = measure (singular)

9. In conclusion..... What is the main idea?


Based on your essay, here is a possible conclusion:

In conclusion, the current state of disagreement among politicians regarding job creation and the growing debt in the U.S. economy poses a significant problem. As reflected in the contrasting views of Democrats and Republicans, finding a solution becomes even more challenging. However, it is clear that the majority of people, who have been affected by the recession and subsequent job losses, are in dire need of employment opportunities. The potential consequences of a government shutdown, including soaring unemployment rates, only intensify the urgency for action.

To address these issues effectively, the government must implement anti-recession strategies promptly. One key aspect is reducing the mounting debt, which can be achieved through methods like tax payoffs or exploring alternative solutions such as debt default ways. Beyond this, it is crucial for the government to prioritize supporting the economy by investing heavily in job creation. While measures such as cutting interest rates can provide a temporary boost, the fundamental challenge lies in making substantial investments despite the constraints of a debt-trapped country. Proposed tax cuts are among the potential relief measures that can alleviate the pressures on the economy.

In essence, the urgent requirement for a comprehensive stimulus package and the collaborative efforts of the government are imperative to revive and stabilize the U.S. economy. By addressing the issues surrounding debt and job creation, the nation can begin to overcome the current economic challenges and pave the way for a more prosperous future.

Now, let's discuss how we can elaborate on your essay and enhance its clarity and cohesiveness.

1. Introduction: Start by providing a brief background of the current economic situation in the United States. Explain the significance of the disagreement among politicians regarding job creation and the impact of the growing debt.

2. Develop your main points: Make sure to dedicate separate paragraphs to each major argument. Begin by discussing the contrasting views of Democrats and Republicans on raising taxes and cutting programs. Elaborate on the consequences of a potential government shutdown, emphasizing the detrimental effect it would have on employment rates and the already struggling job market.

3. Provide supporting evidence: Strengthen your arguments by incorporating statistical data, specific examples, and expert opinions. These can be used to demonstrate the gravity of the situation and increase the credibility of your claims.

4. Discuss anti-recession strategies: Explain in more detail the various strategies that can be employed by the government to combat the recession. Focus on the importance of reducing the debt capital through tax payoffs or exploring alternative methods. Highlight the necessity of immediate action to mitigate further consequences.

5. Address the challenge of job creation: Emphasize the need for significant investment in the economy to generate job opportunities. Explore the difficulties faced by a debt-trapped country and how these challenges can be overcome through innovative solutions. Consider discussing the potential long-term benefits of prioritizing job creation and the positive effects it can have on the overall economy.

6. Analyze proposed solutions: Evaluate the impact of proposed measures, such as tax cuts, in alleviating the pressure on the economy. Highlight any potential drawbacks or limitations associated with these solutions to present a balanced perspective.

7. Conclusion: Summarize your main points, stressing the urgency for immediate action, and the importance of a comprehensive stimulus package. Reiterate the significance of collaboration among politicians to overcome the obstacles the nation is facing. End with an optimistic tone, expressing hope for a brighter future through effective economic recovery.