How can making small groups helps you estimate large numbers?

I need an image of 18 changed over to tens

That it is easier

How can making small groupsh help youe estimate large numbers?

Making small groups can help you estimate large numbers by breaking down the problem into more manageable parts. Here's how you can use this strategy:

1. Determine the Total Quantity: Start by identifying the total quantity you want to estimate. For example, let's say you want to estimate the number of people attending a concert.

2. Create Smaller Groups: Next, break down the total quantity into smaller, more manageable groups. For instance, you can divide the concert venue into sections, like rows or blocks, and estimate the number of people in each section.

3. Estimate within the Smaller Groups: Now, focus on one of the smaller groups. Make observations, count a representative sample, or use other estimating methods to get an approximate number for that particular group. For example, count the number of people in one row or block and multiply it by the total number of rows or blocks.

4. Repeat for Other Smaller Groups: Repeat the estimation process for each of the smaller groups you created earlier. Make sure to use similar estimation methods for consistency.

5. Calculate the Total Estimate: Finally, sum up the estimates for all the smaller groups to get an estimated total quantity for the larger group. Adjust the estimates as necessary, based on any patterns or variations you observed while estimating the smaller groups.

By following this approach, you can get a reasonable estimate for a large number by dividing it into smaller groups and estimating each group separately. However, it's important to keep in mind that this estimation method may have inherent uncertainties, as it relies on assumptions and approximations.