In order to get an idea of significant subject areas in chapter, it is best to read the :

A. subheads
B. Graphics
D.table of contents
i got A what do you think ?

I agree.

Thank You!:)

I agree with your choice, A. It is best to read the subheads in order to get an idea of significant subject areas in a chapter. Subheads are the headings that divide the chapter into different sections, and they typically provide a brief overview of the content that will be covered in that section. By reading the subheads, you can quickly skim through the chapter and identify the main topics or themes that will be discussed. This can help you gain a better understanding of the chapter's structure and main points before diving into the details. It's always a good idea to use the organization of a chapter, as indicated by the subheads, to guide your reading and comprehension.