Write a declarations and input statements necessary to read each of the following sets of data values into variables of the appropriate types. You choose the names of the variables. In some cases, punctuation marks or special symbol must be skipped.

a. 100 A 98.6

b. February 23 March 19

c. 19, 25, 103.876

d. A a B b

e. $56.45


use a String variable because we have an item "A".
In Java, it would be
String[] s={"100","A","98.6");
In C++, it would be similar,
string s[]={"100","A","98.6");
will take a simple string variable, not an array.
a float (in Java, C, C++, etc.)
char variable in Java, C, C++.
e. In Visual basic, there is the currency variable.
In Java, C, C++, you could use float or double.

For part a) I have this but is not compiling! What is wrong with this?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int X = "100";
const string a; "A";
const float C; "98.6";

int main()
cout << "The sets of data is" << X a C << endl;

return 0;

You're not far.

Remember any compiler will give you an error message to explain which line you have a problem, and what kind of problem it is.
Most compilers/editors allow you to display the line numbers to which the compilers list of error refer.
Proceed to resolve the problems one by one, according to the message.

The above program has some syntax errors, which are rather standard and easily corrected.

To give some hint, I will annotate at the end of the line.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
// I would put these lines after (i.e.
inside of) int main()
// if it is an integer, do not use " "
// just write int X=100;
// same for float, write const float C=98.6;
// for string, write in two lines
// string a;
// a="A";
int X = "100";
const string a; "A";
const float C; "98.6";

int main()
// need << bewteen X and a, and a and C
cout << "The sets of data is" << X a C << endl;

return 0;

To read each set of data values into variables of the appropriate types, you can use the following declarations and input statements:

a. For the values "100 A 98.6":

# Declare variables.
integer_value = 0
character_value = ''
float_value = 0.0

# Read input.
integer_value = int(input("Enter an integer value: ")) # Reads 100
character_value = input("Enter a character value: ") # Reads A
float_value = float(input("Enter a float value: ")) # Reads 98.6

b. For the values "February 23 March 19":

# Declare variables.
month1 = ''
day1 = 0
month2 = ''
day2 = 0

# Read input.
month1 = input("Enter the first month: ") # Reads February
day1 = int(input("Enter the first day: ")) # Reads 23
month2 = input("Enter the second month: ") # Reads March
day2 = int(input("Enter the second day: ")) # Reads 19

c. For the values "19, 25, 103.876":

# Declare variables.
int1 = 0
int2 = 0
float_value = 0.0

# Read input.
inputs = input("Enter three comma-separated values: ") # Reads 19, 25, 103.876

# Split the string into a list of values.
values = inputs.split(',')

# Assign values.
int1 = int(values[0].strip()) # Reads 19
int2 = int(values[1].strip()) # Reads 25
float_value = float(values[2].strip()) # Reads 103.876

d. For the values "A a B b":

# Declare variables.
char1 = ''
char2 = ''
char3 = ''
char4 = ''

# Read input.
chars = input("Enter four characters: ") # Reads A a B b

# Assign values.
char1 = chars[0] # Reads A
char2 = chars[2] # Reads a
char3 = chars[4] # Reads B
char4 = chars[6] # Reads b

e. For the value "$56.45":

# Declare variables.
currency = ''
amount = 0.0

# Read input.
input_str = input("Enter a currency value: ") # Reads $56.45

# Remove the currency symbol.
amount_str = input_str[1:]

# Assign values.
currency = input_str[0] # Reads $
amount = float(amount_str) # Reads 56.45

These code snippets demonstrate the necessary declarations and input statements to read each set of data values into variables of the appropriate types.