what was the moon altitude, direction, and apperence 4 the last 30 days?

To obtain the moon's altitude, direction, and appearance over the last 30 days, I suggest using an astronomy app or website. These platforms use algorithms and data from astronomical databases to provide accurate information about the moon's phases, positions, and appearances.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use an astronomy app like "SkySafari" or a website like "timeanddate.com" to find the moon's altitude, direction, and appearance for a given date:

1. Choose an astronomy app or website: There are several popular options available, such as SkySafari, Stellarium, or timeanddate.com. Install the app or navigate to the website in your browser.

2. Set your location: Most apps and websites require you to input your location or enable GPS access to determine your position accurately. This ensures that the data provided is specific to your area.

3. Navigate to the moon section: Look for a dedicated section or icon related to the moon. In some apps, you may need to select the moon tab or search for the moon in the search bar.

4. Select the desired date range: Look for an option to set the date range. Choose the last 30 days or input the exact start and end dates.

5. Explore the moon's altitude: On the selected date, you will usually see information on the moon's altitude or elevation above the horizon. This tells you how high the moon appears in the sky from your location.

6. Determine the moon's direction: The app or website may display a compass or cardinal directions to indicate the moon's position in the sky. It can help you understand which way to look for the moon.

7. Observe the moon's appearance: Many apps and websites provide images, illustrations, or descriptions of the moon's appearance for a given date. You can see whether it was a full moon, crescent moon, gibbous moon, or any other phase.

By following these steps within an astronomy app or website, you should be able to obtain information about the moon's altitude, direction, and appearance over the last 30 days.