What is the surface area and volume formula of a pentagonal prism?

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what if the net of the pentagonal prism is on grid paper? And what does the ans, nsh, a, s, sh, and as mean?

The two and three letters mean to multiply those elements together.

The single letters are illustrated in the diagrams.

To find the surface area and volume of a pentagonal prism, you need to know the length of the base edge (a), the height of the prism (h), and the apothem (d) of the pentagonal base.

Surface Area Formula:
The surface area of a pentagonal prism is given by the formula:
S = 5ab + 2ap
where a is the length of the base edge, b is the perimeter of the pentagonal base, and p is the slant height of the prism.

To calculate the base perimeter (b), you multiply the length of the base edge (a) by the number of sides of the pentagon (in this case, 5): b = 5a.

To calculate the slant height (p), you can use the Pythagorean Theorem. The slant height (p) is the distance from the center of the base to the midpoint of one of the base edges. The Pythagorean theorem works as follows: p^2 = d^2 + (a/2)^2 where d is the apothem of the pentagon.
Ap'thm – a straight line drawn from the center of a regular polygon to any of its sides and perpendicular to it.

Substitute the values of the apothem and base edge to find the slant height (p).

Once you have the values of b and p, substitute them into the surface area formula to calculate the total surface area (S).

Volume Formula:
The volume of a pentagonal prism is given by the formula:
V = (1/4) × ph × b
where p is the apothem of the pentagonal base, h is the height of the prism, and b is the base area of the pentagon.

Calculate the base area (b) using the formula:
b = (5/4) × a^2 × cot(π/5)
where a is the length of the base edge and cot(π/5) is the cotangent of the angle at one vertex of the pentagon (approximately 1.376381920471173).

Substitute the values of p, h, and b into the volume formula to calculate the volume (V) of the pentagonal prism.

Remember to use the appropriate units for measurements.