is 0 a multiple of every number?

Yes, it is a multiple of all real numbers.

For that reason, it is divisible by all integers, because 0/2=0, 0/5=0, etc.


No, 0 is not a multiple of every number. A multiple of a number is obtained by multiplying that number by an integer. In the case of 0, any number multiplied by 0 equals 0. However, when we talk about multiples, we usually refer to non-zero numbers.

By definition, for a number to be a multiple of another number, the quotient should be an integer. When we divide any non-zero number by 0, there is no integer quotient, as division by zero is undefined. Therefore, 0 cannot be considered a multiple of any non-zero number.

In conclusion, 0 is only a multiple of 0.