a graduated cylinder contains 20.0 ml of water. when 100.g of a brass cylinder were added to the graduated cylinder, the water level rose to 32.6 ml. given this information what is the density of the brass cylinder?

density= 100g/(12.6)cm^3

i don't understand, i can:t get the correct answer . please help

You can't divide 100 by 12.6?

To calculate the density of the brass cylinder, we need to use the formula:

Density = mass / volume

In this case, the mass of the brass cylinder is provided as 100.0 g, and we need to find the volume.

To find the volume, we can subtract the initial volume of water from the final volume after adding the brass cylinder.

Final volume - Initial volume = Volume of brass cylinder

Volume of brass cylinder = 32.6 ml - 20.0 ml

Volume of brass cylinder = 12.6 ml

Now, we have both the mass and volume of the brass cylinder. We can substitute these values into the density formula:

Density = 100.0 g / 12.6 ml

Density = 7.94 g/ml

So, the density of the brass cylinder is 7.94 g/ml.