Amy bought a pair of running shoes she paid $66.09 during a 20% off sale, what is the regular price of the shoes?

Would I take 66.09 divide by 20%?

No. If you did this: 66.09/0.2 = 330.45.

Certainly the original price was not over $300.00

Please try again.

would it be 79.30 66.09+20%

No. That isn't the answer, but at least it's close.

100% - 20% = 80%

Let x = the original price.

0.8x = 66.09
x = 66.09/0.8
x =

ok I get it the regular price is 82.61



And you're welcome.

you're awsome

To find the regular price of the shoes, you need to back-calculate the original price before the discount. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start by representing the discount as a decimal. In this case, the discount is 20%, so it can be written as 0.20.

2. Let's assume the regular price of the shoes is represented by 'x'.

3. Since Amy bought the shoes at a 20% off sale, she paid 80% of the regular price (100% - 20% = 80%) after the discount.

4. To find the amount Amy paid, you can multiply the regular price by 80%. It can be written as: 0.80 * x.

So, the equation would be: 0.80 * x = 66.09

To find the value of 'x', you can divide both sides of the equation by 0.80.

The calculation would be: x = 66.09 / 0.80

By performing this calculation, you would find the regular price of the shoes.