An effective persuasive essay involves developing an outline, planning topic sentences, and identifying supporting points. How will you using these three concepts in planning and writing an essay?

Your answers lies in the purpose of the essay and that is persuasion.

Ask yourself "If I was listening to this talk how would I be persuaded?" How could I persuade myself if I needed to?

Each outline and planning topic sentences and indentifying supporting points will vary depending on the purpose of the essay.

You will need to first be firm on what you want to persuade your audience. You can't be wishy-washing here. That won't help. You need to believe in your subject.

Each topic of persuasion will have areas you want to cover to prove your idea.
Say you want your audience to understand the importance of planned grocery shopping since this saves money and saves wasted food. Ask yourself
Why, When, Where, How? These will be your main points in the outline.
Your supporting points will be 1. why because A....B...,etc.

The topic sentences will depend on your point but remember they will need to be specific to your point, not general. You topic sentences can have humor, (depending on the subject)but don't overdo it.

Also in your supporting points be sure your information is current and correct with references you can prove and are credible. Nothing ruins a persuasive essay faster than sloppy research. Depending on your audience
you may find your audience asking "Where did he or she get that information? That doesn't sound valid." Then you will lose them.

Your topic sentence should be very powerful in a persuasive essay. If you need ideas ask your teacher for feedback or brainstorm with friends.

Does this help?

To effectively plan and write a persuasive essay, you can follow these three concepts: developing an outline, planning topic sentences, and identifying supporting points.

1. Developing an outline: Start by brainstorming ideas related to your topic. Once you have generated enough ideas, organize them into a logical structure. Begin with an introduction that presents your main argument or thesis statement. Then, divide the body of your essay into paragraphs, each focusing on a different supporting point. Finally, conclude your essay by summarizing your main points and reinforcing your argument or thesis. An outline helps you see the overall structure of your essay and ensures that your arguments flow coherently.

2. Planning topic sentences: Topic sentences serve as a roadmap for your reader. They provide a clear preview of what each paragraph will discuss. Before writing your essay, plan the topic sentences for each paragraph based on your outline. Make sure each topic sentence aligns with your main argument and contains a clear and specific idea. Constructing strong topic sentences will help keep your essay focused and organized.

3. Identifying supporting points: Once you have planned your topic sentences, identify specific supporting points for each paragraph. These supporting points should provide evidence, examples, or reasoning to strengthen your argument. Conduct research to find credible sources that support your viewpoint and cite them appropriately. Ensuring that each supporting point is relevant, logical, and convincing will make your essay more persuasive.

By incorporating these concepts into your essay planning and writing process, you can create a well-structured and convincing persuasive essay. Keep in mind that revising and editing your essay for clarity, coherence, and strong argumentation is also crucial.