SQR3 is a method used to :

A.increase speed
B.improve comprehension
C.improve reading skills.
D.both B&C
I got D what do you think?


Yay ive been reading the passage carefully.

I agree with your answer, which is option D: both B and C. The SQR3 method is a reading strategy that stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. It can be used to improve comprehension and reading skills. Let me explain each step of the SQR3 method:

1. Survey: This step involves quickly skimming through the text to get an overview. Look at the headings, subheadings, bold or italicized text, and any visual aids such as graphs or images. This helps to create a mental map of the content.

2. Question: Formulate questions based on the headings, subheadings, and your initial understanding of the text. Asking questions helps to engage with the material and set a purpose for reading.

3. Read: Read the text actively and attentively, focusing on understanding the main ideas, supporting details, and any answers to your questions. Take notes, underline or highlight important points, and mark any confusing or unclear areas.

4. Recite: After reading a section or a chapter, take a moment to pause and recite or verbalize what you have just learned in your own words. This helps reinforce your understanding and retention of the material.

5. Review: Once you have finished reading the entire text, review your notes, recitations, and any highlighted or underlined portions. This step helps consolidate your learning and reinforces the key concepts.

By following the SQR3 method, you can enhance your reading comprehension, improve retention of information, and ultimately increase your reading speed and efficiency.