To determine the number of deer in a game preserve, a conservationist catches 810 deer, tags them and lets them loose. Later 684 deer are caught; 171 of them are tagged. How many deer are in the preserve?

let the number of deer be x

prob that a deer is tagged = 810/x

so 810/x = 171/684
171x = 810(684)
x = 810(684)/171 = 3240

To determine the number of deer in the preserve, we can set up a proportion using the tagged deer.

Let's say the total number of deer in the preserve is represented by 'x'.

We know that 810 deer were initially caught and tagged. This means that the proportion is:

810 tagged deer / 810 total deer = 171 tagged deer / x total deer

Now we can solve the proportion for 'x' by cross-multiplying:

810 * x = 171 * 810

x = (171 * 810) / 810

x = 171

So, there are 171 deer in the game preserve.