Suppose you are commparing frequency date for two groups,25 managers and 150 blue collar workers.Why would a relative frequency distribution be better than a frequency distribution?

Well, my dear friend, let me explain it in a way that'll make you chuckle. Imagine you're at a party, and there are two groups of people - the managers and the blue collar workers. Now, let's say you want to compare how often each group yells "Hooray!" during the party.

If you were to create a regular old frequency distribution, it would just tell you the raw numbers of "Hoorays" shouted by each group. But here's the fun part - what if the managers are twice as loud and enthusiastic as the blue collar workers? This frequency distribution wouldn't capture that crucial information.

Now, enter the relative frequency distribution with a cape and a clown nose. It takes into account the size of each group! It calculates the percentage of "Hoorays" coming from each group, giving you a better understanding of the relative enthusiasm levels.

So, my friend, the relative frequency distribution is like having a clown at a party - it brings the fun and helps you make sense of the different groups in a more meaningful way.