what is 2 times pie times 2.5to the second power + 2 times pie times 2.5 times 5.5?

Please help!

Thank you!

put this in the google search window:

2*PI*2.5^2 + 2*PI*2.5*5.5=

Can ayou nswer this? Good luck!!!!!!!!!.

Horses are $10, pigs are $3 and rabbits are $0.50. A farmer buys 100 animals for $100, How many of (each ) animal did he buy? Hint: there are 2 answers



set them equal.
here is one answer:

Thank you!

To solve the expression, "2 times pie times 2.5 to the second power + 2 times pie times 2.5 times 5.5," we can follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS). Here are the steps to get the answer:

1. Start by calculating the value of 2.5 to the second power (2.5^2):
- Multiply 2.5 by itself: 2.5 * 2.5 = 6.25

2. Next, we need to find the product of 2 times pi times 6.25:
- Multiply 2 by pi (π): 2 * 3.14159 = 6.28318 (approximately)
- Multiply the result by 6.25: 6.28318 * 6.25 = 39.27075 (approximately)

3. Finally, we need to calculate the value of 2 times pi times 2.5 times 5.5:
- Multiply 2 by pi (π): 2 * 3.14159 = 6.28318 (approximately)
- Multiply the result by 2.5: 6.28318 * 2.5 = 15.70795 (approximately)
- Multiply the result by 5.5: 15.70795 * 5.5 = 86.443725 (approximately)

Now, we can add the two results together to get the final answer:
39.27075 + 86.443725 = 125.714475 (approximately)

Therefore, the value of "2 times pie times 2.5 to the second power + 2 times pie times 2.5 times 5.5" is approximately 125.714475.