if a car travels 93 km/h, what rate is it traveling in km/min

1 hour = 60 minutes

93 / 60 = 1.55 km/min

i got 1hour 13 min and 1.68 for km

Please reread the question. You need to know how many km a minutes it is traveling.


I gave you the answer above.

But -- it's only going 93 km per hour. It certainly cannot be going almost twice as fast in a minute!

1.68km/for minutes


thank you i happy now i got my extra credit and home work done thanks for all the help from you :) :) :) :)

You're very welcome.

To convert the rate of travel from km/h to km/min, you need to divide the rate by 60 because there are 60 minutes in an hour.

So, to find the rate of travel in km/min, you can divide 93 km/h by 60:

93 km/h รท 60 = 1.55 km/min

Therefore, the car is traveling at a rate of 1.55 km/min.