rewrite equation in standard form:

1+1/5y = 1/3x

Glad to hear it.

Is there a question lurking here?

sorry. didn't see the first line.

clear the fractions

15 + 3y = 5x

and collect terms

5x - 3y - 15 = 0

To rewrite the equation in standard form, we need to rearrange the equation so that it takes the form Ax + By = C, where A, B, and C are constants.

Let's begin by getting rid of the fractions by multiplying through by their common denominators. The common denominators for the fractions in the equation are 5 for the y term and 3 for the x term.

Multiply both sides of the equation by 5 to eliminate the fraction in the y term:
5 * (1 + (1/5)y) = 5 * (1/3)x
5 + y/5 = (5/3)x

Now, multiply both sides of the equation by 3 to eliminate the fraction in the x term:
3 * (5 + y/5) = 3 * (5/3)x
15 + 3(y/5) = 5x

Next, distribute the values inside the parentheses:
15 + (3/5)y = 5x

To write the equation in standard form, we need to move all the variables to one side of the equation and all the constants to the other side. Let's subtract 5x from both sides:
(3/5)y = -5x - 15

To eliminate the fraction, multiply both sides of the equation by 5:
5 * ((3/5)y) = 5 * (-5x - 15)
3y = -25x - 75

Finally, rearrange the equation in the standard form by moving all the terms to the left side:
25x + 3y = -75

Therefore, the given equation, 1 + (1/5)y = (1/3)x, when rewritten in standard form, becomes 25x + 3y = -75.