on monday,Linus made 5k paper cranes&gave 2k paper cranes to his friends.on tuesday,he made another 4k paper cranes.his friend gave him 5 paper cranes.how many paper cranes does he have now in terms of k? Help me please !

5 - 2 + 4 + 5 =?

To calculate the total number of paper cranes that Linus currently has in terms of "k" (thousands), you need to add up the number of paper cranes he made and received on different days.

On Monday, Linus made 5k paper cranes and gave 2k paper cranes to his friends. So, Linus has (5k - 2k) = 3k paper cranes left.

On Tuesday, Linus made another 4k paper cranes. Therefore, the total number of paper cranes he currently has is 3k + 4k = (3 + 4)k = 7k.

Then, Linus's friend gave him 5 paper cranes, which can be expressed as 5/1000k = 0.005k.

To find the final count of paper cranes, you need to add the number of paper cranes Linus has to the number of paper cranes his friend gave him. Therefore, the final count is 7k + 0.005k = 7.005k.

So, in terms of "k," Linus currently has 7.005k paper cranes.
