By algebraic manipulation of the first two kinematic equations for one-dimensional motion:

1) vf = vi + at
2) xf = xi + (vi)(t) + (1/2)(a)(t)^2
Obtain the other two kinematic equations :
3) vf^2 - vi^2 = 2ax
4) xf = xi + (1/2)(vi + vf)t

To obtain the other two kinematic equations, we need to manipulate the first two equations.

Starting with equation 1:

vf = vi + at

We square both sides:

(vf)^2 = (vi + at)^2

Expanding the right side using the binomial theorem:

(vf)^2 = (vi)^2 + 2vi(at) + (at)^2


(vf)^2 = (vi)^2 + 2viat + a^2t^2

Next, let's subtract (vi)^2 from both sides:

(vf)^2 - (vi)^2 = 2viat + a^2t^2

Rearranging the terms:

(vf)^2 - (vi)^2 = 2at(vi + at)

We can replace (vi + at) with vf from equation 1:

(vf)^2 - (vi)^2 = 2at(vf)

This gives us equation 3:

vf^2 - vi^2 = 2at(vf)

Now, let's manipulate equation 2:

xf = xi + vit + (1/2)at^2

We can rearrange this equation:

xf - xi = vit + (1/2)at^2

Next, let's substitute vf from equation 1:

xf - xi = (vi + at)t + (1/2)at^2

Expanding and simplifying:

xf - xi = vit + at^2 + (1/2)at^2

Combining like terms:

xf - xi = vit + (3/2)at^2

Finally, let's replace vit with -xf + xi from the rearranged equation:

xf - xi = -xf + xi + (3/2)at^2

Rearranging the terms:

xf = xi + (1/2)at^2 + xf

This gives us equation 4:

xf = xi + (1/2)(vi + vf)t

So, the other two kinematic equations are:

3) vf^2 - vi^2 = 2at(vf)
4) xf = xi + (1/2)(vi + vf)t

To derive the other two kinematic equations using algebraic manipulation of the first two equations, let's start with equation 1:

vf = vi + at

Square both sides of equation 1 to eliminate the square root:

(vf)^2 = (vi + at)^2

Expand the right side using the distributive property:

(vf)^2 = (vi)^2 + 2(vi)(at) + (at)^2

Now, let's subtract (vi)^2 from both sides to isolate the terms involving vf:

(vf)^2 - (vi)^2 = 2(vi)(at) + (at)^2

Notice that we have a common factor of (at) on the right side. Factoring it out:

(vf)^2 - (vi)^2 = (at)(2vi + at)

Now, let's rearrange the equation to obtain the final form of equation 3:

(vf)^2 - (vi)^2 = 2avi + (at)^2

Equation 3 is:

vf^2 - vi^2 = 2avi + (at)^2

Now, let's move on to deriving equation 4 by manipulating equation 2:

xf = xi + (vi)(t) + (1/2)(a)(t)^2

We need to get rid of (vi)t on the right side to isolate xf:

xf - xi - (vi)(t) = (1/2)(a)(t)^2

Now, let's multiply both sides by 2 to eliminate the fraction:

2(xf - xi - (vi)(t)) = a(t)^2

Expand the left side using the distributive property:

2xf - 2xi - 2(vi)(t) = a(t)^2

Let's factor out (vi + vf) from the left side:

2xf - 2xi - 2(vi)(t) = 2(vi + vf)(t)

Now, divide both sides by 2:

xf - xi - (vi)(t) = (vi + vf)(t)

Rearrange the equation to get the final form of equation 4:

xf = xi + (1/2)(vi + vf)t

Equation 4 is:

xf = xi + (1/2)(vi + vf)t

Therefore, by manipulating equations 1 and 2, we derived equations 3 and 4:

3) vf^2 - vi^2 = 2avi + (at)^2
4) xf = xi + (1/2)(vi + vf)t