23x17 in expanded algorithm


21 = 3x7
140 = 20x7
3 = 3x1
20 = 20x1

Now, I had never heard of this method. I did a google and found lots of examples. Seems like you could have made a similar effort before asking someone else to solve your problem.

oops. and I got it wrong, too. Can you fix it?

To find the product of 23 and 17 using the expanded algorithm, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the 2-digit numbers vertically, lining up the digits correctly.

x 17

Step 2: Multiply the ones digit of the second number (7) by both digits of the first number (3 and 2). Write down the resulting products underneath:

x 17
161 <-- (7 x 3)
+ 1150 <-- (7 x 2)

Step 3: Add up the two products from step 2:

x 17
+ 1150

So, the product of 23 and 17 is 391.


To calculate this product using the expanded algorithm, we break down the multiplication process into smaller steps and multiply the individual digits of both numbers.

In this case, we multiply the ones digit (7) of the second number (17) by both digits (3 and 2) of the first number (23). We write the results underneath the horizontal line.

Next, we add up the two products to get the final answer.

Note: When multiplying, it's important to align the numbers correctly, making sure each digit is in the correct place value.