No one has ever returned from that desert. (is the verb transite or intransitive and why)

To determine whether the verb "returned" in the sentence "No one has ever returned from that desert" is transitive or intransitive, let's analyze the sentence structure.

In this sentence, the verb "returned" expresses an action, indicating that someone or something has come back from the desert. To determine if it is transitive or intransitive, we need to identify if there is a direct object following the verb.

In this case, there is no direct object explicitly stated in the sentence. We know that someone or something returned, but we don't know exactly what or whom they returned. Therefore, the verb "returned" in this sentence is intransitive.

Intransitive verbs do not require a direct object to complete their meaning. They express action that does not transfer to anything or anyone. In this case, "returned" indicates an action of coming back but does not specify what or whom was returned.

To summarize, the verb "returned" in the sentence "No one has ever returned from that desert" is intransitive because it does not have a direct object.