1. Asian emphasis on the value of filial piety may be noted in: A. A family's reluctance to disagree with an early childhood professional. B. Encouragement of interaction between adults and children. C. Strict adherence to Buddhist teachings. D. A mother's extreme effort to win over an angry son. I choose b. Can someone please check my answer

I disagree with your answer. But I don't really like any of your choices.

Check this site for the definition of filial piety that comes the closest to your choices.


I interpret filial piety to include all older people and authority figures.

Filial piety is a Confucian teaching, not a Buddhist principle.


You're welcome.

P.S. I'm bothered by the generic use of the word "Asian." This continent has over 50 countries and many more cultures.

Asia includes Turkey, Russia, Israel, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazahkstan, India, China, Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan -- among many others.

Certainly! To determine if your answer choice is correct, we can evaluate each option in relation to the Asian emphasis on filial piety.

A. The statement about a family's reluctance to disagree with an early childhood professional is not necessarily related to filial piety. It seems unrelated to the concept and does not directly connect to the prioritization of respect for parents or elders. Therefore, option A is unlikely to be the correct answer.

B. This option states the encouragement of interaction between adults and children, which aligns with the value of filial piety. In Asian cultures, children are generally encouraged to have respectful and obedient relationships with their parents and other elders. This promotes a strong emphasis on family cohesion and respect for authority figures. Thus, option B is a potential correct answer.

C. Strict adherence to Buddhist teachings is not directly related to filial piety. While Buddhism may be practiced by many Asians and influence their values and beliefs, filial piety is not exclusive to Buddhism but is observed across various Asian cultures and religions. Therefore, option C is unlikely to be the correct answer.

D. A mother's extreme effort to win over an angry son may be a reflection of familial love and concern, but it does not necessarily indicate an emphasis on filial piety. It relates more to interpersonal dynamics within a family rather than the broader cultural value of respect for parents and elders. Hence, option D is unlikely to be the correct answer.

Based on the analysis, option B seems to be the most plausible choice that aligns with the Asian emphasis on filial piety. However, the final decision should depend on the specific information provided and the context of the question.