write each addition vertically.decide which new groups you will make.then,add to see if you were correct.


a new ten?____________
a new hundred?_________
a new thousand?____________

need answers and please explain

I'll get you started.

You'll need a new hundred.

You won't need a new ten or thousand.

sorry for the delay.. I don't understand. I do understand that a new 1000 is not needed because once added, it's still 1000 but as as far as the rest, I don't understand. Trying to help my daughter with her math homeworl!

sorry for the delay.. I don't understand. I do understand that a new 1000 is not needed because once added, it's still 1000 but as as far as the rest, I don't understand. Trying to help my daughter with her math homework!

The frist day I did not know but now I know

To add the numbers 256 and 1273 vertically, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Write the numbers vertically, aligning them based on their place values:

2 5 6
+ 1 2 7 3

Step 2: Start with the rightmost column (units column) and add the digits. In this case, 6 + 3 = 9.

2 5 6
+ 1 2 7 3

Step 3: Move to the next column (tens column) and add the digits. In this case, 5 + 7 = 12. Since 12 is greater than 9, we need to regroup.

2 5 6
+ 1 2 7 3

Write the 2 below the tens column and carry the 1 to the next column.

Step 4: Move to the next column (hundreds column) and add the digits. In this case, 2 + 2 (from carrying) + 5 = 9.

2 5 6
+ 1 2 7 3

Step 5: Move to the next column (thousands column) and add the digits. In this case, there are no digits in the thousands column.

2 5 6
+ 1 2 7 3

Hence, 256 + 1273 equals 1529.

Now, let's determine the new groups:

a new ten: In the tens column, we carried over a 1 to the hundreds column. So, there is a new grouping of 10.

a new hundred: In the hundreds column, the sum of the digits is greater than 9. So, we regrouped and created a new grouping of 100 (carryover from tens column).

a new thousand: There are no digits in the thousands column, so there is no new grouping of a thousand.

To verify our answer, we can add the new groups to check if we were correct:

256 + 1273 = 1529

Original number: 256
New grouping in tens column: 10
New grouping in hundreds column: 100

256 + 10 + 100 = 366

We have confirmed that our new groups were correct, and the total sum is 366.