the base edge of a triangular pyramid is 3 meters and its altitude is 10 meters. find the area of a section parallel to the base and 6 meters from it.

4 m below the apex, the area of a section is (4/10)^2 * (base area)

Assuming the base is an equilateral triangle, the base area is
(4.5/2)*sqrt3 = 3.897 m^2

Thus A = 0.6235 m^2

hmmm. what does the base edge means?

To find the area of the section parallel to the base and 6 meters from it, we first need to find the length of the section.

Since the section is parallel to the base, it will form a similar triangle to the one with the base edge.

Let x be the length of the section parallel to the base and 6 meters from it.

Using similar triangles, we can set up the following equation:

x / 3 = (x + 6) / 10

Cross-multiplying, we get:

10x = 3(x + 6)


10x = 3x + 18

Subtracting 3x from both sides:

7x = 18

Dividing both sides by 7:

x = 18 / 7

Now, we can find the area of the section.

The area of a trapezoid is given by the formula:

Area = (1/2)(sum of parallel sides)(height)

In this case, the sum of the parallel sides is the base edge (3 meters) plus the length of the section (18/7 meters) multiplied by 2 (since the section is on both sides of the pyramid).

So, the sum of the parallel sides is:

3 + 2(18/7) = 3 + 36/7 = 54/7

The height of the section is given as 6 meters.

Using the formula for the area of a trapezoid:

Area = (1/2)(sum of parallel sides)(height)

Area = (1/2)(54/7)(6)


Area = 27/7 * 6

Area = 162/7 ≈ 23.14 square meters

Therefore, the area of the section parallel to the base and 6 meters from it is approximately 23.14 square meters.

To find the area of a section parallel to the base and 6 meters from it, we can use the formula for the area of a trapezoid since the section is a trapezoidal shape.

The formula for the area of a trapezoid is given by:

Area = (a + b) * h / 2

a and b are the lengths of the parallel sides of the trapezoid, and
h is the height or distance between the parallel sides.

In this case, the lengths of the parallel sides of the trapezoid can be calculated using similar triangles.

Let's consider the right triangle formed by the height (altitude) of the pyramid, the distance from the base to the desired section (6 meters), and the distance from the base to the parallel side. We can use the properties of similar triangles to find the length of the parallel side.

In the given triangular pyramid, the base edge is 3 meters, the altitude (height) is 10 meters, and the distance from the base to the desired section is 6 meters.

Using the properties of similar triangles, we can write the proportion:

(base edge) / (altitude) = (x) / (6 meters)

Solving for x, we have:

x = (base edge * 6 meters) / (altitude)

Plugging in the values, we get:

x = (3 meters * 6 meters) / (10 meters)
x = 1.8 meters

So, the lengths of the parallel sides of the trapezoid are 3 meters (base edge) and 1.8 meters (x). The height (h) is 6 meters (distance from the base to the section).

Now, we can calculate the area of the trapezoid:

Area = (a + b) * h / 2
Area = (3 meters + 1.8 meters) * 6 meters / 2
Area = 4.8 meters * 6 meters / 2
Area = 28.8 square meters

Therefore, the area of the section parallel to the base and 6 meters from it is 28.8 square meters.