for a project i need to graph numbers like:

3.456 billion, 92.07 billion etc.
however i need to graph 1.009 TRILLION and 1.268 trillion. i wanted to keep the scale written as billions, how can i express the trillions as billions?

To express trillions as billions, you need to convert the values by dividing them by 1,000. Since 1 trillion is equal to 1,000 billion, dividing the value by 1,000 will give you the equivalent number in billions.

For example, to express 1.009 trillion in billions, divide it by 1,000:
1.009 trillion / 1,000 = 1.009 billion

Similarly, to express 1.268 trillion in billions:
1.268 trillion / 1,000 = 1.268 billion

By converting trillions to billions in this way, you can then graph these values alongside numbers like 3.456 billion and 92.07 billion using the same scale.