How do you show the distributive property for 12 x 468

To demonstrate the distributive property for the expression 12 x 468, we need to break down one of the factors into smaller numbers and perform the multiplication separately. Here's how you can show the distributive property step by step:

Step 1: Break down one factor
Choose one factor (let's say 468) and break it down into smaller numbers that are easier to work with. For example, you can decompose 468 as 400 + 60 + 8.

Step 2: Distribute multiplication
Distribute the other factor (12) to each component obtained after breaking down 468. Multiply 12 by each component individually.

12 x 400 = 4,800
12 x 60 = 720
12 x 8 = 96

Step 3: Add the products
Add the products obtained from multiplying 12 by each component.

4,800 + 720 + 96 = 5,616

Therefore, using the distributive property, 12 x 468 is equal to 5,616.