conversion problems:

$3.98/lb to cents per gram

3.0 cups/lb to L/Kg

(please show me the work)
thank u

1 pound = 453.59237 grams

3.98 / 453.59237 = $0.0087 per gram

Study these sites and then see what you come up with for the second problem.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=6e7c1a2195a487c3&biw=853&bih=544

how do i go from cups to liters ? i know that 1pt=2 cups but i still cannot figure it out?? help

Check this conversion table and the conversion of 1 cup to liters.

To convert $3.98 per pound to cents per gram, we need to use the conversion factors for both dollars to cents and pounds to grams. Here's the step-by-step calculation:

1. Convert dollars to cents:
- 1 dollar = 100 cents

Multiply $3.98 by the conversion factor to get the price in cents:
$3.98 x 100 cents/dollar = 398 cents

2. Convert pounds to grams:
- 1 pound = 453.592 grams

Divide the price in cents by 453.592 to convert from cents per pound to cents per gram:
398 cents / 453.592 grams = 0.877 cents/gram

Therefore, $3.98/lb is equivalent to 0.877 cents/gram.

Now let's calculate the conversion from 3.0 cups per pound to liters per kilogram:

1. Convert cups to liters:
- 1 cup = 0.2366 liters

Multiply 3.0 cups by the conversion factor to get the volume in liters:
3.0 cups x 0.2366 liters/cup = 0.7098 liters

2. Convert pounds to kilograms:
- 1 pound = 0.4536 kilograms

Divide the volume in liters by 0.4536 to convert from liters per pound to liters per kilogram:
0.7098 liters / 0.4536 kilograms = 1.5641 liters/kilogram

Therefore, 3.0 cups/lb is equivalent to 1.5641 liters/kg.