A race car travels northward on a straight, level track at a constant speed travels 0.756 km in 18.0 s. The return trip over the same track is made in 23.0 s

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To calculate the speed of the race car, we can use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

Distance traveled in the northward direction = 0.756 km
Time taken in the northward direction = 18.0 s

Let's calculate the speed of the race car in the northward direction:

Speed = 0.756 km / 18.0 s

To perform this calculation, divide the distance traveled (0.756 km) by the time taken (18.0 s).

Speed = 0.042 km/s

Now, let's calculate the speed of the return trip:

Distance traveled in the return trip = Distance traveled in the northward direction (0.756 km)

Time taken in the return trip = 23.0 s

Speed = Distance / Time

Speed = 0.756 km / 23.0 s

To calculate this, divide the distance traveled (0.756 km) by the time taken (23.0 s).

Speed = 0.033 km/s

Therefore, the speed of the race car in both directions is 0.042 km/s and 0.033 km/s for the northward and the return trip, respectively.