Why did the Native Americans use the types of writing and genres that they did?

Genres: Native American literature's, stand apart as a separate tradition that is itself strong and varied. This culture had rich, established literature. Legends, folktales, and other forms of literature were preserved in oral form. stories that survive are creation myths, descriptions of the beginnings of the universe, the world and the origin of mankind. The creation myths of Native American cultures share with the Genesis accounts a concern with relationships among the divine, the human, and the world of animals and plants; the reasons behind those relationships; and the saga of the universe before the arrival of humanity.

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Sorry. I was not intending on plagiarizing. I just want to understand why Native Americans use these genres in Native American Literature

What other genres could they use to retell what generations had passed down?


The Native Americans used the types of writing and genres that they did for several reasons. Firstly, the preservation of their literature in oral form was a result of the strong oral tradition present in their culture. They passed down stories from generation to generation through storytelling. This mode of transmission allowed for flexibility and adaptation of the stories to fit the needs of the community and the times. It also allowed for the inclusion of cultural values and teachings, providing a way to pass down knowledge and wisdom.

The genres they used, such as legends, folktales, and creation myths, served different purposes within their culture. Creation myths, for example, played a significant role in explaining the origins of the universe, the world, and humanity. These myths often conveyed the relationship between the divine, the human, and the natural world. They conveyed cultural and spiritual beliefs, providing a framework for understanding the world and the place of individuals within it.

Additionally, these genres allowed for the preservation and expression of cultural identity. Native American literature stands as a separate tradition that reflects the diversity and richness of their culture. By sharing these stories, they maintained a connection to their heritage and ensured the survival of their cultural values.

It is important to note that not all Native American tribes used the same types of writing and genres. Each tribe had its own distinct traditions and storytelling practices. It is through studying these various traditions and listening to Native American voices that we can gain a better understanding of their literature and its significance in their lives.