how do you get the answer:


No answer.

This is obviously not an equation.

its called order of operations, pre algebra

Since the only operations here are addition and subtraction, you can do them in any order.

To determine how to get the answer to the equation 32 - 13 + 21 = 114, we can follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS or BODMAS).

1. Start by evaluating any parentheses or brackets in the equation. However, there are none in this particular equation.

2. Proceed with evaluating any exponents or powers. There are also none in this equation.

3. Move on to performing multiplication and division, from left to right. Since there are no multiplication or division operations in this equation, we skip this step.

4. Finally, we perform addition and subtraction, again from left to right.

Now, let's go through the calculation step by step:

32 - 13 + 21 = ?

First, subtract 13 from 32:
32 - 13 = 19

Now, add 21 to 19:
19 + 21 = 40

Therefore, the correct answer to the equation 32 - 13 + 21 = 114 is 40, not 114.