To Jiskha experts,

What would this world be like without great peacemakers and leaders like Nelson Mandela?

Even though we're "experts," we don't really know what WOULD have happened IF . . .

My personal feeling is that although Mandela was a great leader, it's likely that another leader would have risen in South Africa.

What do you think?

To answer this question, let's consider the impact of great peacemakers and leaders like Nelson Mandela and how their absence would affect the world.

1. Research and background knowledge: Begin by gathering information about Nelson Mandela's life and achievements as a peacemaker and leader. This will provide you with a solid foundation to answer the question.

2. Identify key contributions: Explore the specific actions and initiatives taken by Nelson Mandela that had a significant impact on promoting peace and leadership. Examples include his involvement in the anti-apartheid movement, his years in prison, and his role as the first black President of South Africa.

3. Analyze the impact: Consider how Nelson Mandela's leadership and peacemaking efforts influenced the world. Reflect on the changes he brought about in South Africa, such as ending apartheid, promoting reconciliation, and championing human rights. Additionally, think about his influence and inspiration globally, as he became a symbol of peaceful resistance and a beacon of hope for oppressed communities worldwide.

4. Project the scenario without Mandela: Imagine a world where Nelson Mandela did not exist, and explore the potential implications. Consider the likely continuance of apartheid in South Africa, the potential for increased violence and unrest, and the absence of his inspirational leadership on the global stage.

5. Analyze historical parallels: To further emphasize the importance of peacemakers and leaders, examine other historical instances where the positive impact of prominent figures was diminished due to their absence. This could involve exploring leaders who made a significant difference and evaluating how their absence would have shaped history differently.

6. Formulate the answer: Based on your research and analysis, construct a response that outlines the implications of a world without great peacemakers and leaders like Nelson Mandela. Emphasize the potential for increased conflict, inequality, and diminished progress in promoting peace and justice.

Remember, it is essential to back up your response with facts and examples to provide a thorough explanation.