What are three readable resources that explain the history of radio?

To find three readable resources that explain the history of radio, you can follow these steps:

1. Search on online bookstores: Start by searching on popular online bookstores such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Google Books. Use keywords like "history of radio" to narrow down the results.

2. Check the book descriptions: Go through the book descriptions, summaries, and reviews provided on the websites. This will give you an idea of whether the resource covers the history of radio comprehensively and in a readable manner.

3. Look for reputable publishers or authors: Look for books written by reputable publishers or authors who are well-known in the field of radio history. This helps ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided.

Based on these guidelines, here are three readable resources that explain the history of radio:

1. "Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio" by Tom Lewis: This book explores the origins and influence of radio by delving into the lives of three key figures who shaped radio broadcasting. It provides a narrative-style account of radio's development.

2. "Broadcasting in America: A Survey of Television and Radio" by Sydney W. Head: This resource offers a comprehensive history of broadcasting in the United States, covering both radio and television. It explores the technological advancements, social impact, and cultural significance of radio throughout its history.

3. "The Radio Handbook: A Complete Guide to Broadcasting Techniques" by Carole Fleming: While focusing mainly on the technical aspects of radio, this resource also includes sections that give an overview of the history of radio. It is a practical guidebook useful for both students and professionals in radio broadcasting.

Remember, it is always best to read reviews or sample chapters before making a final decision, as personal preferences and interests may vary.