whats the Biconditional of "the moon is the largest satellite of Earth"

The biconditional statement is a logical statement that connects two statements using the phrase "if and only if". In this case, the statement "the moon is the largest satellite of Earth" can be written as "M" where M represents the moon is the largest satellite of Earth.

To find the biconditional statement, we need to express both the original statement and its negation.

The statement "the moon is the largest satellite of Earth" can be rewritten as M.

The negation of the statement "the moon is the largest satellite of Earth" can be expressed as "not M" or ~M.

Now we can write the biconditional statement:

M if and only if ~M.

So, the biconditional of "the moon is the largest satellite of Earth" is "M if and only if ~M". This statement states that the moon is the largest satellite of Earth if and only if it is not the case that the moon is the largest satellite of Earth.