how many grams of F are in 335 g of CaF2?

What is %F in CaF2? 335g x (%F/100) = ??

To calculate the number of grams of F in 335 g of CaF2, we need to determine the molar mass of CaF2 and then use stoichiometry to find the molar mass of F.

The molar mass of CaF2 can be calculated by adding the atomic masses of calcium (Ca) and two fluorine (F) atoms. The atomic mass of calcium is 40.08 g/mol, and the atomic mass of fluorine is 18.99 g/mol.

Molar mass of CaF2 = 40.08 g/mol + (2 × 18.99 g/mol) = 78.06 g/mol

Next, we use stoichiometry to find the molar mass of F. Since there are two fluorine atoms in one molecule of CaF2, the molar mass of F is half of the molar mass of CaF2.

Molar mass of F = 78.06 g/mol ÷ 2 = 39.03 g/mol

Now, we can calculate the number of grams of F in 335 g of CaF2 using the molar mass ratio:

Grams of F = (335 g CaF2) × (1 mol CaF2 / 78.06 g CaF2) × (2 mol F / 1 mol CaF2) × (39.03 g F / 1 mol F)

Simplifying the expression, we get:

Grams of F = (335 × 2 × 39.03) / 78.06

Grams of F ≈ 335 g

Therefore, there are approximately 335 grams of F in 335 g of CaF2.

To determine the number of grams of F (fluorine) in 335 g of CaF2 (calcium fluoride), we need to find the molar mass of CaF2 and then calculate the mass of fluorine present.

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to solve this problem:

1. Find the molar mass of CaF2:
- The atomic mass of calcium (Ca) is 40.08 g/mol.
- The atomic mass of fluorine (F) is 18.99 g/mol.
- Calcium fluoride (CaF2) consists of one calcium atom and two fluorine atoms.
- Therefore, the molar mass of CaF2 is: (1 * 40.08 g/mol) + (2 * 18.99 g/mol) = 78.08 g/mol.

2. Calculate the mass of fluorine:
- Since the molar mass of CaF2 is 78.08 g/mol, it means that in 1 mole of CaF2, there are 2 moles of F.
- We can set up a ratio: 78.08 g of CaF2 = 2 moles of F.
- To calculate the mass of F in the given sample, 335 g, we need to set up a proportion using the ratios:
(335 g) / (78.08 g/mol) = (x g of F) / (2 moles of F).
- Solve for x, which represents the mass of F.

3. Calculate the mass of F:
- Cross-multiply and solve the equation:
(335 g) * (2 moles of F) = (78.08 g/mol) * (x g of F).
- Divide both sides of the equation by 78.08 g/mol.
- The result will give you the mass of F in grams.

By following these steps, you will be able to determine the number of grams of F in 335 g of CaF2.