[History Homework]

Please answer

1. What are 2 pieces of technology essential today?

2. If you could give a prehistoric person one item from today what would it be?

3. Why is writing important for civilizations?

4. Why is theater/drama important to society?

5. What are some valves about the American justice system?

Math Science Home Work
Write each number in scienctific notation (Ex: 450 = 4.50 x 2 )

1. 0.07882 =

2. 0.00000272338 =

3. 0.000000664 =

4. 74171.7 =

5. 0.0000085 =

My! You've just posted 10 of your math and HISTORY question.

Are you, by any chance, trying to cheat??

To get you started:
Two pieces of technology essential today:
electricity and the wheel

I have alot of homework limit of 13 because I keep getting more homework in class in high school. All work due by tomorrow.

1. What are 2 pieces of technology essential today?

Two essential pieces of technology today are smartphones and the internet.

To know the answer, you can think about the technology that has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. Smartphones are essential because they provide a wide range of functions including communication, access to information, entertainment, and more. The internet is also crucial as it connects people globally, allows for instant communication, provides access to a vast amount of knowledge, and facilitates various online services.

2. If you could give a prehistoric person one item from today, what would it be?

If I could give a prehistoric person one item from today, it would be a book or any form of written information.

To answer this question, you can think about what would have the most significant impact on a prehistoric person's life. The ability to read and access knowledge has played a crucial role in the development of civilizations. By giving a prehistoric person a book or other written document, it would introduce them to the world of knowledge, ideas, and information that human societies have accumulated over thousands of years.

3. Why is writing important for civilizations?

Writing is important for civilizations because it allows for the preservation, transmission, and accumulation of knowledge, ideas, and history over time.

To find the answer, you can think about the role that writing has played in human history and the development of civilizations. Writing enables people to record information, stories, laws, scientific discoveries, and more. It provides a means to communicate across time and space, allowing knowledge to be passed down from one generation to the next. Writing also helps establish social order and cohesive societies by defining laws, documenting cultural practices, and enabling the sharing of ideas beyond immediate interpersonal interactions.

4. Why is theater/drama important to society?

Theater/drama is important to society because it serves as a platform for expressing, exploring, and sharing human experiences, emotions, and ideas.

To answer this question, you can consider the role of theater/drama in society throughout history. Theater and drama provide a means for people to tell stories, convey social and political messages, and examine complex human emotions. They allow individuals to explore different perspectives, challenge societal norms, and create empathy by depicting diverse characters and situations. Theater and drama also offer a form of entertainment and escapism, helping people connect with their emotions and providing a shared experience for communities.

5. What are some values about the American justice system?

Some values of the American justice system include fairness, impartiality, due process, equality, and the presumption of innocence.

To answer this question, you can think about the principles that underpin the American justice system. Fairness is one of the core values, ensuring that each individual is treated equitably and given an opportunity to have their case heard. Impartiality refers to the neutrality of judges and juries, who are expected to weigh evidence objectively. Due process ensures that individuals accused of crimes have their rights protected, including the right to a fair trial and legal representation. Equality means that all individuals are entitled to equal treatment under the law, regardless of their background, race, or social status. The presumption of innocence requires that individuals are considered innocent until proven guilty. These values are essential in upholding the integrity and effectiveness of the American justice system.

Math Science Homework:

1. 0.07882 = 7.882 x 10^(-2)

To write a number in scientific notation, we move the decimal point until there is only one non-zero digit to the left, and then multiply it by a power of 10. In this case, we move the decimal point two places to the right, resulting in 7.882, and multiply it by 10 raised to the power of -2 (-2 because we moved the decimal point two places to the right).

2. 0.00000272338 = 2.72338 x 10^(-6)

Following the same process, we move the decimal point six places to the right to create a number greater than 1. This gives us 2.72338, and we multiply it by 10 raised to the power of -6.

3. 0.000000664 = 6.64 x 10^(-7)

Once again, we move the decimal point seven places to the right to obtain 6.64, and multiply it by 10 raised to the power of -7.

4. 74171.7 = 7.41717 x 10^(4)

To convert this number to scientific notation, we move the decimal point four places to the left to obtain 7.41717, and multiply it by 10 raised to the power of 4.

5. 0.0000085 = 8.5 x 10^(-6)

Following the same process as before, we move the decimal point six places to the right to obtain 8.5, and multiply it by 10 raised to the power of -6.