how do you figure out 9,234 divided by [3x3(1+8 to the 3rd power)]

i need effing help.

To solve the expression "9,234 divided by [3x3(1+8 to the 3rd power)]", we need to follow the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction).

Let's break it down step by step:

First, we evaluate the part inside the parentheses:
To calculate this, first, we raise 8 to the 3rd power: 8^3 = 512.
Then, we add 1 to the result: 1 + 512 = 513.

Next, we multiply 3 by 3: 3x3 = 9.

Now, the expression becomes:
9,234 divided by [9 * 513]

After evaluating the expression inside the brackets, we perform the division:
9 * 513 = 4617

Finally, we divide 9,234 by 4617:
9,234 รท 4617 = 2

Therefore, the result of 9,234 divided by [3x3(1+8 to the 3rd power)] is 2.