Melvin estimated 645 + 322 by adding 600 + 300. Is his estimated sum an over or under estimate?


I'd guess that his estimate is less than the original answer since 45 is more than 22.

yes i would agree that is would be less than since he rounded down for both

under estimate

To determine if Melvin's estimated sum is an over or under estimate, we need to compare it to the actual sum of 645 + 322.

To get the actual sum, we add 645 and 322 as given.

645 + 322 = 967

Melvin's estimated sum is obtained by adding 600 and 300, which gives us 900.

To determine if the estimated sum is an over or under estimate, we compare Melvin's estimate (900) to the actual sum (967).

900 < 967

Since Melvin's estimate is less than the actual sum, his estimated sum is an under estimate.