which one of the following guidelines is recommended when instructing children with learning differences?

(a)begin with the childs preferred way of learning
(b)use a task-analysis to break down complex tasks into their component parts
(c)provide activities and problems requiring divergent thinking
(d)limit the number of transitions

my answer is a but not 1oo percent sure

I agree.

b not sure

To determine which guideline is recommended when instructing children with learning differences, let's analyze each option:

(a) Begin with the child's preferred way of learning: This guideline focuses on understanding and adapting to how a child learns best. It is important to consider their individual preferences, strengths, and learning styles to create a supportive learning environment. This approach can foster better engagement and enhance their learning experience.

(b) Use a task-analysis to break down complex tasks into their component parts: Task-analysis involves breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. This approach can be beneficial for children with learning differences as it provides them with clear instructions and reduces overwhelm. By breaking down tasks, it becomes easier to understand and complete them successfully.

(c) Provide activities and problems requiring divergent thinking: Divergent thinking is a cognitive process that involves generating multiple ideas or solutions. While this can enhance creativity and problem-solving skills, it may not be the primary focus when instructing children with learning differences. Some children might struggle with divergent thinking due to their unique learning needs, so it might not be the recommended guideline.

(d) Limit the number of transitions: Transitioning between tasks or activities can be challenging for children with learning differences. Limiting the number of transitions can provide stability and allow them to focus better on specific tasks. However, while this guideline can be helpful, it might not be the primary recommendation for instructing children with learning differences.

Considering all the options, the recommended guideline when instructing children with learning differences could be (a) Begin with the child's preferred way of learning. This approach acknowledges the child's individuality and adapts instruction to match their strengths, learning styles, and preferences. However, it's important to remember that every child is unique, so a combination of these guidelines might be useful in practice.