-9h-6+12h+40=22 solve the equation I don't have a clue please help

-9h - 6 + 12h + 40 = 22

( -9h + 12h ) - ( 6 + 40 ) = 22

3h + 34 = 22

3h = 22 -34

3h = - 12 Divide both sides with 3

h = -4


( -9h + 12h ) + ( - 6 + 40 ) = 22

To solve the equation -9h - 6 + 12h + 40 = 22, you need to simplify both sides of the equation by combining like terms and performing arithmetic operations.

1. Start by grouping the like terms on both sides of the equation:
(-9h + 12h) + (-6 + 40) = 22

2. Combine the like terms inside the parentheses:
3h + 34 = 22

3. Now, isolate the variable h by subtracting 34 from both sides of the equation to get rid of the constant term:
3h + 34 - 34 = 22 - 34
3h = -12

4. Finally, solve for h by dividing both sides of the equation by 3:
3h/3 = -12/3
h = -4

So, the solution to the equation is h = -4.