what is the fraction form of 5.1

To express 5.1 as a fraction, we need to determine the relationship between the decimal portion (0.1) and the place value it occupies.

Step 1: Count the number of decimal places.
In this case, there is only one decimal place (the digit after the decimal point is 1).

Step 2: Write the decimal as the numerator.
Since there is only one decimal place, we can write 5.1 as 5.1/1.

Step 3: Determine the denominator.
The denominator depends on the number of decimal places:
- One decimal place corresponds to 10 in the denominator.
- Two decimal places correspond to 100 in the denominator.
- Three decimal places correspond to 1000 in the denominator, and so on.

Since 5.1 has one decimal place, the denominator is 10.

Therefore, the fraction form of 5.1 is 5.1/10, which can be simplified further to 51/100.
