My answers:

1. Enhance
2. Discern
3. Mobile
4. Orient
5. Attributes
6. Exemplify
7. Dispatch
8. Enigma
9. Attest
10. Nocturnal

1-2 Because Helen Keller could not hear or see, the keenness of her other senses was____(e)d by use. It is said that she could___ who was in the room simply by using her sense of smell.

3-4 A ___ Robot that collects and deliver mail throughout the office building ___s itself with electric eyes.

5-6 In fables, animals often illustrate human ___s. In the story of the race between the tortoise and the hare, the tortoise is meant to ___ the human qualities of being slow but steady. Despite competing against a much speedier antagonist, he perseveres and defeats the overly confident hare.

7-8 The reason the boss likes to ___ Oliver on lengthy errands is no ___. Everyone knows that the office functions better with Oliver out of the way.

9-10 Anyone who has ever gone to college can ___ to the fact that during final exams, many students become ____ animals. They study all night before an exam and then, once the test is over, sleep the rest of the day.

You're very welcome.

Thank you so much. May God bless you!

1 enhance

2 Discern
3 Mobile
4 Orient
5 Attributes
6 Exemplify
7 Dispatch
8 Enigma
9 Attest
10 Nocturnal

In fables animals often illustrate humans what’s the answer for this sentence check 2

1-2 Because Helen Keller could not hear or see, the keenness of her other senses was enhanced by use. It is said that she could discern who was in the room simply by using her sense of smell.

3-4 A mobile robot that collects and delivers mail throughout the office building orients itself with electric eyes.

5-6 In fables, animals often illustrate human attributes. In the story of the race between the tortoise and the hare, the tortoise is meant to exemplify the human qualities of being slow but steady. Despite competing against a much speedier antagonist, he perseveres and defeats the overly confident hare.

7-8 The reason the boss likes to dispatch Oliver on lengthy errands is no enigma. Everyone knows that the office functions better with Oliver out of the way.

9-10 Anyone who has ever gone to college can attest to the fact that during final exams, many students become nocturnal animals. They study all night before an exam and then, once the test is over, sleep the rest of the day.

1. The word "enhanced" means to improve or make better. In this context, Helen Keller's other senses became sharpened or improved due to her inability to hear or see. To answer this question, we can identify the word that means "improved" or "sharpened."

To answer the first question, we can choose the word "Enhance" from the given options.

2. The word "discern" means to perceive or recognize. In this context, Helen Keller could identify who was in the room simply by using her sense of smell. This implies that she was able to recognize or perceive the presence of different individuals using her sense of smell.

To answer the second question, we can choose the word "Discern" from the given options.

3. The word "mobile" means able to move or being easily movable. In this context, a robot that collects and delivers mail throughout the office building must have the ability to move around easily. This implies that the robot is capable of mobility.

To answer the third question, we can choose the word "Mobile" from the given options.

4. The word "orient" means to adjust or align with a specific direction or purpose. In this context, the robot that collects and delivers mail throughout the office building aligns itself with electric eyes. This suggests that the robot adjusts or aligns itself based on the input received from electric eyes.

To answer the fourth question, we can choose the word "Orient" from the given options.

5. The word "attributes" means characteristics or qualities. In this context, animals in fables often illustrate human qualities. This suggests that animals are used in fables to symbolize or represent certain human characteristics or qualities.

To answer the fifth question, we can choose the word "Attributes" from the given options.

6. The word "exemplify" means to illustrate or demonstrate. In this context, the tortoise in the story of the race between the tortoise and the hare is meant to demonstrate or illustrate the human qualities of being slow but steady. The tortoise exemplifies these qualities by persevering and defeating the overly confident hare.

To answer the sixth question, we can choose the word "Exemplify" from the given options.

7. The word "dispatch" means to send off or deal with promptly. In this context, the boss likes to send Oliver on lengthy errands. This implies that the boss prefers to send Oliver to handle tasks promptly or efficiently.

To answer the seventh question, we can choose the word "Dispatch" from the given options.

8. The word "enigma" means a puzzling or mysterious person or thing. In this context, the reason the boss likes to send Oliver on lengthy errands is not known or it remains a mystery. People in the office do not understand the reason behind it.

To answer the eighth question, we can choose the word "Enigma" from the given options.

9. The word "attest" means to provide evidence or bear witness to something. In this context, anyone who has gone to college can provide evidence or bear witness to the fact that during final exams, many students become nocturnal animals. This suggests that students change their sleeping patterns during final exams and stay awake during the night.

To answer the ninth question, we can choose the word "Attest" from the given options.

10. The word "nocturnal" means active or occurring during the night. In this context, during final exams, many students become nocturnal animals. This means that students change their sleeping patterns and become more active during the night.

To answer the tenth question, we can choose the word "Nocturnal" from the given options.

Excellent! All are correct.