what is the rule for input 36 output 9 input 17 output 9 input 24 output1 input 18 output 0

To identify the rule for the given inputs and outputs, we need to analyze the pattern and relationship between them.

Based on the given examples:
- Input 36 has Output 9.
- Input 17 has Output 9.
- Input 24 has Output 1.
- Input 18 has Output 0.

At first glance, it may be challenging to find a direct pattern, so let's look for clues and try different approaches to observe any hidden relationships.

One possible observation:
- When the input is a perfect square, the output is always 1.

Based on this observation, we can see that when the input is 36 (a perfect square), the output is 9; similarly, when the input is 16 (another perfect square), the output would likely be 9 as well. However, we don't have an example with input 16 to confirm this presumption.

Another possible observation:
- When the input is odd, the output is always 9.

Looking at the examples, when the input is 17 (an odd number), the output is 9. We can also see this pattern holds true for input 35, 53, or any other odd number.

Considering both observations, we can conclude the following rule:
- If the input is a perfect square, the output is 1; otherwise, if the input is odd, the output is 9.

To verify if this rule holds true for other examples, you can test more input-output pairs and see if they match this rule.