The most important contribution the Mongols made to encouraging trade along the Silk Roads was

A. building permanent inns for travelers.
B. building a permanent road.
C. lowering taxes for merchants.
D. providing security.

13. The most important contribution the Mongols made to encouraging trade along the Silk Roads was

A. building a permanent road.
B. providing security

providing security

The most important contribution the Mongols made to encouraging trade along the Silk Roads was providing security (option D). The Mongols, under their leader Genghis Khan, created the largest contiguous empire in history, which extended from Asia to Europe.

To get this answer, you need to understand the historical context of the Mongol Empire. The Mongols were known for their military strength and conquests. They were able to establish control over vast regions, which brought stability and security to the areas they controlled.

The Silk Roads were ancient trade routes that connected various regions of Asia and Europe. However, these routes were often dangerous due to bandit attacks, political instability, and conflicts along the way. As the Mongols expanded their empire, they established a system of law and order that allowed merchants to travel with reduced risk of violence and theft. This provided a safer environment for trade and facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures along the Silk Roads.

While options A, B, and C (building permanent inns, a permanent road, and lowering taxes for merchants) may have played a role in facilitating trade, the most significant factor was the Mongols' ability to provide security. Therefore, option D is the correct answer.

It is important to analyze the historical context and weigh the significance of each potential contribution in order to arrive at the correct answer.