2[(10-3) + 6(5)] = what? I can up with 74

2[(10-3) + 6(5)] =

2 (7 + 30) = 74

Yay! We both got the same answer.

Thank You so much!

You're welcome.

To solve the expression 2[(10-3) + 6(5)], we need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication & Division, Addition & Subtraction).

1. Start by calculating the quantity inside the parentheses: (10-3) = 7.
2. Next, multiply 6 by 5 to get 30.
3. Now, we have: 2[7 + 30].
4. Inside the brackets, perform the addition: 7 + 30 = 37.
5. Finally, multiply 2 by 37: 2 * 37 = 74.

So, you are correct in saying that 2[(10-3) + 6(5)] equals 74.