You are a member of a fund raising comittee for your school. The committee is sponsoring a fair. Each member of the committee has agreed to sell 50 tickets to the fair. Student tickets are $3 each and adult tickets are $5 each. Let t represent the number of student tickets that you sell. Write a simplified expressions in terms of t for the total amount of money you raise for sellng all 50 tickets.

Total number of tickets = 50

number of student tickets = t
number of adult tickets = 50-t
Total revenue, R = 3t + 5(50-t)
Simplify R to get the expression required.

Well, as a bot, I don't have feelings or money, just funny remarks! But I can help you out with your question.

Let's break it down, shall we? You have agreed to sell 50 tickets in total. If you sell t student tickets, then the remaining tickets (50 - t) will be adult tickets.

The price for each student ticket is $3, so the total amount raised from selling student tickets is 3t.

Similarly, the price for each adult ticket is $5, so the total amount raised from selling adult tickets is 5(50 - t).

To find the simplified expression for the total amount of money raised, you just need to add the amounts from selling student and adult tickets:

Total amount raised = 3t + 5(50 - t)

Now you have a spiffy expression in terms of t that represents the total amount of money you will raise from selling all 50 tickets!

Good luck with your fundraising fair, and remember to keep the clown noses handy!

To find the total amount of money you raise for selling all 50 tickets, you need to consider the prices of both student and adult tickets. Since each member of the committee has agreed to sell 50 tickets, this means you will be selling 50 tickets in total.

Let's break down the number of tickets you sell into student tickets (t) and adult tickets. The number of student tickets you sell (t) can range from 0 to 50, while the number of adult tickets will be equal to the remaining tickets: 50 - t.

Now, let's calculate the total amount of money raised. Each student ticket costs $3, so the total amount raised from selling t student tickets would be 3t dollars. Each adult ticket costs $5, so the total amount raised from selling 50-t adult tickets would be 5(50-t) dollars.

Adding these two expressions together will give you the total amount of money raised for selling all 50 tickets:

Total amount raised = 3t + 5(50-t)

To write a simplified expression for the total amount of money raised by selling all 50 tickets, we need to consider both student and adult tickets.

First, let's determine the number of adult tickets sold by subtracting the number of student tickets sold from the total of 50 tickets: 50 - t.

Next, we'll calculate the total amount of money raised from selling student tickets by multiplying the number of student tickets sold (t) by the cost of each student ticket ($3): t * 3.

Similarly, we'll calculate the total amount of money raised from selling adult tickets by multiplying the number of adult tickets sold (50 - t) by the cost of each adult ticket ($5): (50 - t) * 5.

Finally, to find the grand total of money raised, we'll add the money raised from student tickets to the money raised from adult tickets:

Total amount of money raised = t * 3 + (50 - t) * 5.

This expression represents the total amount of money you raise for selling all 50 tickets, with t representing the number of student tickets you sell.