Could you check if the adjectives I chose are appropriate? Thank you.

calm/nervous, quick-tempered
easygoing/touchy, think-skinned, crabby
easy-going/stand offish
nosy(intrusive, prying, snoopy) / indifferent, uncaring, unconcerned, uninterested
determined/undetermined OR indecisive
sensible/irresponsible, reckless, rash
sensitive/insensitive (Ex. Insensitive to beauty)
serious/joking, funny
shy/sociable, easygoing
sociable, outgoing/unsociable, sullen
tolerant/intolerant (narrow-minded?)

Didn't I JUST read this?


calm <<opposites>> nervous, quick-tempered

easygoing <<opposites>> touchy, think-skinned, crabby
determined <<opposites>> indecisive
easy-going <<opposites>> high-strung
nosy(intrusive, prying, snoopy) <<opposites>> indifferent, uncaring, unconcerned, uninterested
determined <<opposites>> lackadaisical
sensible <<opposites>> irresponsible, reckless, rash
sensitive <<opposites>> insensitive (Ex. Insensitive to beauty)
serious <<opposites>> joking, funny
shy <<opposites>> sociable
self-confident insecure
thoughtful <<opposites>> thoughtless inconsiderate
sociable, outgoing <<opposites>> unsociable, sullen
tolerant <<opposites>> intolerant; narrow-minded

To check if the adjectives you chose are appropriate, you can consider the context in which they will be used and whether they accurately describe the characteristics or qualities you are trying to convey. It is also helpful to consult a dictionary or thesaurus to ensure that the words you have chosen match the intended meaning.

Here is a breakdown of the adjectives you provided:

1. Calm/Nervous: These are contrasting adjectives that describe different emotional states. To determine if they are appropriate, consider the specific situation or person you are describing. If someone remains composed and collected under stress, then "calm" is appropriate. Alternatively, if someone is easily agitated or anxious, then "nervous" is fitting.

2. Quick-tempered: This adjective suggests a person who easily becomes angry or impatient. It is appropriate if you want to convey this aspect of a person's temperament.

3. Easygoing/Touchy: Easygoing describes someone who is relaxed, flexible, and not easily bothered, while touchy refers to someone who is easily offended or sensitive. Consider the intended meaning and choose the adjective that accurately reflects the person's temperament.

4. Thin-skinned/Crabby: Thin-skinned refers to someone who is easily hurt or offended, while crabby implies being irritable or ill-tempered. Again, consider the context and choose the appropriate adjective based on the desired meaning.

5. Determined/Indecisive: These adjectives represent contrasting qualities - determination signifies strong resolve and persistence, while indecisiveness suggests difficulty in making choices. Choose the adjective that accurately describes the person's characteristic.

6. Easy-going/Standoffish: Easy-going describes someone who is relaxed and casual in their interactions, while standoffish suggests aloofness or maintaining a distance. Consider which term best describes the person's behavior.

7. Nosy/Indifferent/Uncaring/Unconcerned/Uninterested: These adjectives represent a range of attitudes towards others. Nosy, intrusive, prying, and snoopy all describe someone who is overly curious or inquisitive. The latter set of adjectives - indifferent, uncaring, unconcerned, uninterested - indicate a lack of interest or concern for others. Consider which term accurately describes the person's behavior or attitude.

8. Sensible/Irresponsible/Reckless/Rash: These adjectives describe different approaches to decision-making and behavior. Sensible implies cautious and practical decision-making, while irresponsible, reckless, and rash suggest a lack of consideration for the consequences of one's actions. Choose the adjective that accurately conveys the intended meaning.

9. Sensitive/Insensitive: Sensitive represents being responsive and easily affected emotionally, while insensitive suggests a lack of empathy or awareness. For example, if someone is described as insensitive to beauty, it means they do not appreciate or care about aesthetics.

10. Serious/Joking/Funny: Serious and joking are contrasting adjectives that describe different manners or personalities. Serious suggests a demeanor characterized by thoughtfulness and gravity, while joking/funny implies a sense of humor or light-heartedness.

11. Shy/Sociable/Easygoing: Shy describes someone who is reserved or timid, while sociable and easygoing denote a preference for social interactions and a relaxed demeanor.

12. Self-confident/Insecure: These adjectives represent contrasting levels of confidence. Self-confident indicates a belief in one's own abilities or qualities, while insecure suggests doubt or lack of confidence.

13. Thoughtful/Thoughtless: Thoughtful describes someone who considers others' feelings or needs, whereas thoughtless refers to someone who acts without consideration. Consider which term describes the person's behavior or attitudes more accurately.

14. Sociable/Outgoing/Unsociable/Sullen: Sociable and outgoing describe individuals who are friendly and enjoy being in the company of others. In contrast, unsociable and sullen suggest a preference for being alone or being withdrawn in social situations. Choose the adjective that accurately reflects the person's behavior or disposition.

15. Tolerant/Intolerant: Tolerant suggests accepting and open-minded, whereas intolerant implies a lack of acceptance or narrow-mindedness. "Narrow-minded" is another term that can be used to describe someone who is intolerant.

When selecting adjectives, it is important to consider the specific context, desired meaning, and the person you are describing to determine the most appropriate choice.