25 divided 0.76 in long formed

To calculate the long division of 25 divided by 0.76, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the division problem:
0.76 | 25.00

Step 2: Since we cannot directly divide 0.76 by 25, we move the decimal point of 0.76 two places to the right to make it a whole number:
76 | 2500

Step 3: Begin dividing. Start with the leftmost digit of the dividend (25). Ask yourself, how many times does 76 go into 25? Since 76 is greater than 25, we know the quotient will be less than 1. We write 0 above the line.

0 | 2500

Step 4: Bring down the next digit, which is 0, and add it to the right of the 25 to form 250. Now, we ask ourselves, how many times does 76 go into 250? We estimate a number, place it above the division line, and multiply it by 76 to find the product. The product should be less than or equal to 250. After finding the product, subtract it from 250.

32 | 2500

Step 5: The resulting number after subtracting is 170. Bring down the next digit, which is 0, and add it to the right of 170 to form 1700. Again, we ask ourselves, how many times does 76 go into 1700? We estimate a number, place it above the line, and multiply it by 76 to find the product. The product should be less than or equal to 1700. After finding the product, subtract it from 1700.

325 | 2500

Step 6: The resulting number after subtracting is 196. Bring down the next digit, which is 0, and add it to the right of 196 to form 1960. Now, we ask ourselves, how many times does 76 go into 1960? We estimate a number, place it above the line, and multiply it by 76 to find the product. The product should be less than or equal to 1960. After finding the product, subtract it from 1960.

3256 | 2500

Step 7: We have reached the end of the division process. The resulting number (-360) cannot be divided further, so we bring it down. The final answer is:

0.76 goes into 25.00 approximately 32.89 times.

Therefore, the long division of 25 รท 0.76 equals 32.89.