what is the best method useful for estimating the populations of eagles, and why?

i orginally thought counting the number of nests. but i don't know why its the best way of estimating the population.

can you plesae correct me if im wrong and help me with the reasoning.
thank you!!!

Not all eagles nest every year. Birders estimate the number of eagles by observations and banding.

banding is like when you tag the bird right... so it that like mark-recapture method of getting the population


Observations of birders assigned specific areas also help estimate a bird species'population.

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Counting the number of nests can be a useful method for estimating the populations of eagles, but it may not necessarily be the best method. The reasoning behind this is that not all eagles build nests, and sometimes multiple eagles may use the same nest. Additionally, some nests may be hidden or difficult to access, making it challenging to accurately count them.

To obtain a more reliable estimate of the eagle population, a combination of methods is often used. These methods include:

1. Aerial Surveys: This involves flying over known or potential eagle nesting and foraging areas to count individuals. It provides a broader perspective and allows for more accurate counts, as eagles can be observed directly from above.

2. Territory Mapping: Eagles occupy specific territories, and mapping these territories can help estimate the population. By monitoring established territories and identifying new ones, biologists can gain a better understanding of the overall population size.

3. Mark-Recapture Studies: This method involves capturing and marking a sample of eagles, then releasing them back into the wild. Later, a second capture is carried out, and the percentage of marked eagles in the recaptured sample is used to estimate the total population size.

4. Genetic Methods: Advances in DNA analysis have made it possible to estimate population size using non-invasive genetic sampling. By collecting and analyzing eagle feathers, droppings, or other biological samples, scientists can identify individual eagles and estimate population size.

It's important to use a combination of these methods to minimize biases and improve accuracy when estimating eagle populations. By integrating different techniques, scientists can obtain a more comprehensive and reliable understanding of the population's size and distribution.