When 1.0 of gasoline burns, it releases 11 kcal of heat. The density of gasoline is 0.74

How many megajoules are released when 9.0 of gasoline burns?

When 1.0 g of gasoline burns, it releases 11 kcal of heat. The density of gasoline is 0.74 g/mL

a) How many megajoules are released when 3.0 of gasoline burns?

b) If a television requires 150 kJ/h to run, how many hours can the television run on the energy provided by 3.0 gal of gasoline?

To calculate the amount of energy released when 9.0 liters of gasoline burns, we need to convert the given energy value from kcal to megajoules and then use the density to find the mass of gasoline.

1 kcal = 0.004184 MJ (megajoules) [Conversion factor]

Step 1: Convert kcal to MJ:
Energy released per 1.0 L of gasoline = 11 kcal
Energy released per 1.0 L of gasoline = 11 kcal * (0.004184 MJ/kcal)
Energy released per 1.0 L of gasoline = 0.045924 MJ

Step 2: Find the mass of gasoline:
Density of gasoline = 0.74 g/L [Conversion factor]
Mass of 9.0 L of gasoline = 9.0 L * 0.74 g/L
Mass of 9.0 L of gasoline = 6.66 g

Step 3: Convert grams to kilograms:
Mass of 9.0 L of gasoline = 6.66 g * (1 kg/1000 g)
Mass of 9.0 L of gasoline = 0.00666 kg

Step 4: Calculate the total energy released:
Total energy released = Energy released per 1.0 L of gasoline * Mass of gasoline
Total energy released = 0.045924 MJ/L * 9.0 L
Total energy released = 0.413316 MJ

Therefore, when 9.0 liters of gasoline burns, approximately 0.413316 megajoules of heat is released.

To find the number of megajoules released when 9.0 liters of gasoline burns, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the number of kilocalories released when 1.0 liter of gasoline burns. Given that burning 1.0 liter of gasoline releases 11 kcal of heat, we know that:

1.0 liter of gasoline = 11 kcal

Step 2: Convert the kilocalories to kilojoules by multiplying by 4.184 (since 1 kcal is equal to 4.184 kJ):

11 kcal * 4.184 kJ/kcal = 46.024 kJ

Step 3: Convert kilojoules to megajoules by dividing by 1000 (since 1 MJ is equal to 1000 kJ):

46.024 kJ / 1000 = 0.046024 MJ (rounded to 6 decimal places)

Step 4: Find the number of megajoules released when 9.0 liters of gasoline burn by multiplying the number of megajoules released per liter by the volume of gasoline burned:

0.046024 MJ * 9.0 liters = 0.414216 MJ (rounded to 6 decimal places)

Therefore, when 9.0 liters of gasoline burns, it releases approximately 0.414216 megajoules of heat.

1.0 WHAT of gasoline.

density is 0.74 WHAT?
9.0 WHAT of gasoline.