In which of the following instances are people more likely to look directly at their conversational partner?

1when you are discussing intimate topics
2.when you are talking rather than listening
3.when you are trying to dominate your partner
4.when you are physically close

I cannot find the answer in my book, or where it discusses this, so 1?

I would say 1 or 3

The answers is definitely 100% #3

To determine the most likely instance in which people are more likely to look directly at their conversational partner, we can analyze the given options.

1. When discussing intimate topics: This option suggests that when discussing personal or sensitive subjects, people are more likely to maintain eye contact with their partner. This aligns with the idea that when sharing intimate information, individuals may feel a stronger need to establish a connection and display vulnerability, which can be achieved through mutual eye contact.

2. When talking rather than listening: This option suggests that people are more likely to maintain eye contact when they are actively speaking in a conversation. This can be because they are trying to engage the listener, emphasize their points, or gauge the other person's reaction.

3. When trying to dominate the partner: This option suggests that individuals are more likely to maintain eye contact when attempting to establish dominance over their conversational partner. Looking someone in the eye while asserting oneself can be a way to show confidence and assert authority.

4. When physically close: This option suggests that individuals are more likely to look directly at their partner when they are in close proximity. This can occur when people feel more comfortable and connected with each other physically, leading to increased eye contact.

Given the options, it is logical to conclude that individuals are more likely to look directly at their conversational partner when discussing intimate topics (option 1). This choice aligns with the common understanding that deep and personal conversations tend to evoke a higher level of eye contact as individuals seek to establish trust, demonstrate empathy, and enhance the emotional connection with their conversation partner.